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Current Project

Build a School is moving to its next long-range goal. As a way to increase school attendance rates and alleviate pressures at home, we want to begin a school feeding program using targeted income generating projects. Please Click the Link to learn more 

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Past Projects

Chicken Rearing 

Our partners in Zambia identified a chicken rearing program as means to support the volunteer teachers and the feeding program. This self-sustaining program has provided the Chishi community with hundreds of chickens to compensate the teachers for time spent in the classroom away from their fields and to fill hungry bellies!


School House 

$5,000 goes so far in Zambia! What started as a community initiated project just needed a little help. This two room school house was started in 2012 by the Chishi community. They were able to build the structure of the building with locally made mud brick. Two volunteer teachers were conducting classes under a leaky roof and were unable to teach during the rainy season. We helped provide roofing, windows, doors and cement to complete the structure. 



Clean, Fresh Water

With support from partners in Zambia and the United States, a crew was hired to drive to Chishi and drill a 50 meter well. The well was drilled during the dry season to ensure a reliable supply of water throughout the year. After drilling, a handpump was installed.


Teacher's House

In order for the Zambian Government to provide a paid teacher, housing needs to be provided. Again, the bricks were made by the local community. Build a School provided funds to hire a trained brick layer, many bags of cement, and other materials. The structure is finished, and once we have two window panes replaced and a fresh coat of paint, this project will be complete! Our volunteer teachers are living here and providing upkeep, and we hope to have a full-time teacher on site before long!


Reusable Chalkboards 

On our 2 week trip to the Chishi school in 2015, we were able to use 50 child size reusable chalkboards which we made and sent ahead of time. The children used the boards during our visit for an impromptu English lesson. The boards are now at the school aiding the teachers in classes where no school supplies are available. A big thank you goes out to Lowe's Home Improvement, who donated the wood and chalkboard paint for this project! 


School Supplies

for 100 Students

In May of 2015 Build a School was approached by a motivated young man named Matrim. He was looking to take on a big project for his Eagle Scout requirement. He knew about our project to complete a school in Zambia and the fact that children and teachers in the community of Chishi had zero school supplies. He took it upon himself to raise donations of  supplies for 100 students and the funds needed for shipping costs! Build a School supported his efforts during the 10 month project and helped him reach the last $200 goal in order to get the supplies on their way to Zambia. Thank you Matrim and your team of supporters, you have made a huge impact!


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